DJ Jewell


DJ Jewell

DJ Jewell


Music Supervision | Client: Smirnoff / Agency: 72andSunny Amsterdam 

Smirnoff continues to shine a light on those who are more inclusive than the world that surrounds them in their latest chapter of the ‘We’re Open’ campaign, featuring Jeffrey Jewell, a DJ with albinism taking his stand for openness.

In the newest chapter we meet DJ Jeffrey Jewell and take a look into his African roots and the influence they’ve had on his music. Jeffrey Jewell is a deejay with an open heart, who thrives on ignoring differences and bringing people together in the name of open mindedness and inclusivity.

The music was fundamental for the tone, energy and visual storytelling throughout the editing process. It was important for us to find a track that was authentic and represent the sound of the underground clubs located in the townships of South Africa. We think the music achieves the goal of feeling fresh and vibrant for the film.

Directed by Zachary Heinzerling, Epoch Films.